Do you exercise? Do you prefer exercising at morning or at night?
Not everyone is a morning person (I however am a completely, totally annoying lark), and even fewer of us are eager to wake up and hit the gym. But getting up and moving can actually be an amazing way to start your day. If you commit to working out first thing in the morning you're way less likely to have the excuse of things popping up. The odds are in your favor if you exercise.
- Quit saying "I am not a morning person." You have what you say and you rise or descend to what so ever thinking you place in your mind. Take the limits off of yourself by describing your self how you really are. You don't have to like getting up early, but you can LOVE THE BENEFITS like your crucial hormones that help build muscle mass are elevated in the morning, by exercising in the morning you're taking advantage of these naturally circulating hormones when they're peaking, rather than later in the day when they're lower.
- Pack accordingly and get in bed early. The most common aversion to getting up earlier is that we go to bed too late and we don't spend a small amount of time preparing for morning the night before. It is helpful to have the gym bag packed, the exercise clothes and shoes laid out, the playlist ready for listening and the protein shake already in the fridge ready to drink. This saves the unpleasantness of rushing and/or having to hunt for things when you have such limited time in the morning.
Beloved, I am praying with and for you.
Resources To Help:
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