Psalm 36:9 For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we
see light.
A drain depletes gradually, especially to the point of complete exhaustion. A fountain is the spring and head of a river; from thence waters issue and stream forth: it is the rise and beginning of springs and waters, and implies an abundance of water. Discovering if you're a fountain or a drain is an either or acceptance, requiring self-examination, confession and repentance IF you discover you indeed are a drain, which I believe we default to if we're not careful. It is very easy to live life unawares as a drain, a taker, a basket of need, constantly taking in, unrealistically expecting everyone to meet our needs perfectly. And, if we do give out, we expect...and even resort to demands of immediate, exactly as expected reciprocation. It takes inside work to stay add to, of benefit and willing to serve faithfully.
1. A fountain first gives. Do you know real giving requires complete release and no expectation of return? A fountain first gives. Life as a fountain requires trusting that GOD sees and will restore, supply and repay. As a fountain you understand that everything runs through you not just to you. The beauty of being a fountain is that although you exist to be a source and supply to others you exist on what you give out. Being a fountain means you abundantly will receive what is needed to continue watering and replenishing others. And, because a fountain freely gives of what it freely receives, there is no sorrow added to all that it has gotten being a free, flowing fountain.
2. Resist a Scarcity Mindset. A scarcity mindset sees all as a threat to receipt. Scarcity affects our thinking and feeling dramatically and negatively. Scarcity orients the mind automatically and powerfully to unfulfilled needs. it demands unrealistic focus on that unfilled need to the exclusion of giving anything. It is all about getting, taking, decieving, and receiving only. A scarcity mindset causes you to believe you have to kill me to live. It has no interest in real reciprocation, because it refuses to give of anything that doesn't bring immediate benefit back to self. Fight a scarcity mindset with all that you have. It is a common mindset that causes you to live life only as a drain. Learn as I have, that the more you give the more God gives to you. You never have to worry about being replenished, you never worry about people taking from you or being used because you know what you're being used for. When your desire to give and method of giving aligns perfectly with what He has given to you to be a fountain in this world God personally sees to it that you get more fresh and new to give. It's His good pleasure to give the Kingdom to those giving the Kingdom (Luke 12:32) and it's an amazing way to live. You truly cannot ever exhaust God's giving.
Beloved, I am praying with and for you.
Resources to Help:
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