Self-esteem is not self-importance!
We live in a culture of "but, it's posted" irregularities in reality and stark, dishonest portrayal of self. Imagery, photo-shop and filters can have us living a life of pretense that has migrated into far too many believing their own press and thinking they're who they post to be... when in reality, they're not anywhere close to what and who they're pretending to be. Right now, real self-esteem is at an all time low. Self-importance, arrogance, unmitigated gall and misrepresentation is at an all time high. Social media aids too many in this sham portrayal...far too many misguided individuals misunderstand reality thinking a platform gives the license and right to be what, say what, be enraged by whatsoever we want. Right now everyone's a social broadcaster, pretense is allowed, self-importance gets to masquerade as self-esteem, and people have no real foundation of accomplishment on which to build a truthful, healthy opinion of themselves. People, careers and companies built with the sand of pretense fall apart when the need to DO SOMETHING REAL appears. Self-meaning, self-identity, self-image, and self-concepts are destroyed when you pretend, compare and use falsehood with self-importance under the guise of self-esteem. Self-importance is ugly and obvious, it's an exaggerated estimate of one's own importance, self-conceit, demonstrated by arrogant or pompous behavior.
Self-esteem is actually a complex mental state--it is your truthful inner opinion of yourself and has an underground that is built by two things...what you truthfully FEEL and what you truthfully THINK about YOU. It does not matter what finesse you do outwardly, the inner man knows who you really are and what you really do. In other words, you can't run from you...wherever you go, there YOU are beloved. You just cannot hide from you no matter how you try. A real sense of self and esteem/confidence requires you put in the time, really grind and face the struggle, small starts and acceptance of the truth that not everything you do needs to be heard, seen or recognized to matter and be real. A self-esteem versus self-importance challenge you can take is to not tell or post your next big whatever...purchase, trip, relationship, meal, engagement, contract, job. Just stop posting and see how you feel about who you are. What's really driving that need to be seen as? If you're not as fabulous in the dark as you want everyone to see you as in the light then perhaps you live with self-importance over real self-esteem? If this is you I highly suggest you lay down self-importance and pride, shore up your self-esteem and make sure that your foundation isn't a sandy one that will fade when, and if you lose all, lose them and worse still have the real you exposed. If you can't stand up tall when those things happen to any degree you've lived with self-importance not true self-esteem.
Beloved, I'm praying with and for you.
Resources to Help:
Self Esteem Checklist |
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