Jumping out of the sea of sameness and vast similarity requires BOLDNESS. The goal isn't just to be different. The real goal is to be original, fully you, and authentic. Using your own voice. In your own lane, daily fulfilling your purpose and all assignments within that purpose. Achieving significant success. Feeling your core desired feelings.
So, how do you achieve boldness enough to JUMP out of a life of monotony into a life of achievement and significant success?
Here's what I recommend as action steps to do just that today:
1. Listen and Compare - put down that phone, log off social media and get quiet. Listen to your life. It's speaking. Do some examination of your current state of life and the stark reality of it. Compare it only to where you really want to be, what you really want to be doing and WHO you really want to be. What are the disconnects? What do you need to do, focus on and/or change to get to where you want? Decide --now that you know ,you will begin to take steps daily to transition out of where you are TO where you desire.
2. Develop quality relationships - we were created for relationship. The quality of your life will be determined best by your connections and if those connections are healthy or unhealthy. Acquire healthy relationship skills. Learn what healthy, loving and safe relationships really are. If there are core relationships in your life that require fixing...fix them. Let go of bitterness and anger. Forgive. Move past the past. If you require counseling, get it. Learn the good in a goodbye, delete, stop accepting calls or allowing contact. Disconnect in love which does not always require closure...most times you will never get the apology you deserve so move on and kiss them up to God. Inject friendliness into each relationship in your life by learning both how to be a friend AND how to show yourself friendly. Proverbs 18:24 is a mild caution against having too many friends, of spreading oneself too thin. It is better to be loyal to one true friend who is faithful at all times than numerous unreliable ones. Accept this and choose purpose over popularity!
3. Accept that experience isn't your best teacher, guided experience is - wise counsel is to be sought and listened to. No need to bump your head into a brick wall when someone who knows what the wall looks like and feels like can keep you from it? Problem is most of us lack humility and allow our maverick behavior of being a know-it-all get us into crisis before we ask for help. Wise counsel saves you time spent in agony of defeat, disappointment and dismay. Get you some trusted advisers and then LISTEN TO THEM. Don't ever be an ask-hole (a person who asks for advise but has zero intention of following that advice, they just like to seem like they want it).
Remember, dipping your toe in is not the same as swimming so stop tippy-toeing around your life. Do a bold cannonball right into your dazzling existence and significant success by following these tips.
Beloved, I am praying with and for you.