Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Storm Steady Mindset

Philippians 2:5- Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus

Matthew 14:22-33- 31 immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

Life will rock you and throw you off cliffs into darkness. Some of this rocking and cliff tossing is self-inflicted due to poor choices, others come from the hands of others hell-bent on causing you harm, some come completely out of nowhere,-you're dancing  in the sunshine of life, comfy and doing quite all right then BAM! IT_________(fill in the blank) happens to you.  Sunshine runs and torrential rain filled clouds fill your life sky. What you do there beloved, what you choose to set your heart and view upon will determine if you merely ride the storm out--each and every dark cloud washing hope away; or the sighted but never coming silver lining clouds remain just over there OR you place a strong sure anchor on your feet and a sure protection umbrella over your head...you must choose a storm steady mindset, or not. It won't just happen.

So what is a storm steady mindset? It is one that pays attention to the thoughts in mind regarding the storms purpose, duration and intensity. A storm steady mindset directs thoughts to salvations surety and scriptures reliability. A storm steady mind realizes failure isn’t fatal, that like success, it’s temporary. It says this too shall pass. It refuses to embrace a storm for its pity producing presence saying “I can't stay here." this mindset let's purpose fuel it's perseverance. A storm steady mindset also realizes that sharing your situation/circumstances must be done with those God assigns to you in your storm. Few want to share your blues and hear your woes, and nothing brings worse injury to a hurting heart than an insensitive, bible quoting, they’re not in a storm so they don’t feel you “friend.” It’s best to ask God for that person HE’s assigned you to carry you through to the steady shore. Everyone else is just fine watching you row (or walk on water, which ever you preferJ)

KNOWING from past experience that God is fully aware of the storm He may have sent the storm for His glory and your deliverance (storms clear and cleanse away clutter) but assuredly He is allowing it because He is in control. Rest assured, sent or allowed, GET THE LESSON FROM THE STORM. You will either learn the lesson of the storm before it passes you by or you may see that same storm again and again. God is a master teacher. He repeats until learning occurs and He sees a storm steady mind in His child, you. When a storm descends upon my life I’ve learned to silence myself and others and listen in to God’s teaching. What is He saying to me in whatever is happening? God is still speaking loudly even today and knows all about your situation. He wants you better tomorrow than you are today.

Beloved, I am praying with and for you!

Please feel free to forward CEENOTES with Cheryl Carr to friends and colleagues, but please forward in its entirety. CEENOTES with Cheryl Carr is written and distributed by Arete1 International. No portion of this publication may be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of Cheryl L. Carr.
(c) Copyright 2012 Cheryl Carr and ARETE1 International. 2012 rightwordsbycheryl©

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